Often Eating Spicy Food Can Cause Bloody CHAPTER, Is It True?

JAKARTA - Indeed, there is a special pleasure when consuming spicy food. However, not infrequently afterwards the stomach becomes heartburn and eventually has to go back and forth to the bathroom to defecate. Now, when you have a bowel movement, it is not uncommon for someone to see blood coming out of the anus.

Fear and worry definitely creep up when you are in this position, but surely you are asking, is it true that spicy food causes bloody bowel movements?

Launching the Live Strong page, Friday, March 12, spicy food is actually not the cause of bloody bowel movements. However, spicy food can cause digestive problems that can cause bloody stools.

Frequent eating of spicy foods can cause hemorrhoids to anal fissures. Hemorrhoids are inflammation of the blood vessels in the anus. These swollen blood vessels are prone to tearing and bleeding when a person is having diarrhea or constipation.

Diarrhea due to eating spicy food occurs when a person's digestion cannot tolerate the capsaicin content in chilies, peppers, and other spicy seasonings.

Now, if the diarrhea gets worse, it can directly cause hemorrhoids to get worse. The characteristics of hemorrhoids can not only be seen from bloody bowel movements, but you also feel itchy, hot, and painful in the scratched or tight lump in the anus.

Apart from hemorrhoids, anal fissures also cause blood during bowel movements. This disease is caused by tearing of the lining of the rectum or lower anuh. Constipation, the main cause of anal fissures.

Well, if you eat spicy food during an anal fissure, your wound will get worse indirectly. The reason is, consuming spicy food can increase the intensity of bowel movements, so that the wound in the anus is rubbed further and the stool bleeds.

If this condition occurs only occasionally, then it is not dangerous. However, you need to consult a doctor if your bowel movements are bleeding and accompanied by abdominal pain and anal pain that doesn't go away.

Most of the causes of bloody bowel movements are hemorrhoids and anal fissures. However, there are also several diseases that cause bloody stools such as diverticulitis, ischemic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer, colon polyps, and proctitis. For a clearer diagnosis, you can contact a doctor.