Askolani Was Appointed By Sri Mulyani To Be Director General Of Customs And Excise Replacing Heru Pambudi

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani carried out a major overhaul of the ranks of echelon I officials at the Ministry of Finance. He decided to replace the Director General of Budget, Askolani and appointed Isa Rachmatarwata as his replacement.

Previously, Isa was the director general of the country's wealth. Meanwhile, Askolani was appointed to become the Director General of Customs and Excise replacing Heru Pambudi. Then, Heru was rotated as secretary general of the Ministry of Finance replacing Hadiyanto.

The composition of echelon I officials of the Ministry of Finance includes:

1. Askolani becomes the Director General of Customs and Excise

2. Heru Pambudi becomes Secretary General

3. Isa Rachmatarwata has been appointed as Director General of Budget

4. Rio Silaban has been appointed as Director General of State Assets

5. Hadiyanto becomes Director General of Treasury

6. Andin Hadiyanto has become the Head of the Financial Education and Training Agency (BPPK)

Sri Mulyani said the reshuffle was carried out amidst the efforts of the Ministry of Finance to accelerate national economic recovery and maintain the health of the state revenue and expenditure budget (APBN) in the medium term.

Furthermore, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said that the tasks were mutually contradictory but had to be carried out in a balanced and timely manner and on the right size.

"Thank you to all the officials who are inaugurated today for their dedication and contribution to their overall service to the country in the Ministry of Finance. What you have done to the Ministry of Finance is an extraordinary meaning so far," he said in his remarks inauguration of echelon I officials of the Ministry of Finance, Friday, 12 March.

Sri Mulyani hopes that all newly appointed officials can immediately work to adjust to the new position occupied. Because, these new officials will face a number of new challenges in a new job post. Moreover, everything was done during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I want all of us to understand the various challenges and responsibilities that must be carried out within the Ministry of Finance. We are currently still facing a pandemic, although there is new hope with vaccines and transmission, but this is no reason for us to be complacent," he said. .

Not only that, Sri Mulyani also said there were a number of homework assignments (PR) for new officials, both in the medium and long term, starting from the National Economic Recovery (PEN), preparations to host the G20, and the long-term climate change crisis.

"We will host the G20, which means that various steps and activities in the Ministry of Finance together with BI and other institutional ministries will increase in preparation," he said.