Minister Of Transportation Asks Garuda Indonesia To Improve Hajj Flight Services

Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumasi admitted that he had asked Garuda Indonesia to continue to improve its Hajj flight services during the 2024 Hajj Transport period.

Moreover, continued Budi, Hajj flights are the benefit of many people who have been assigned to the company and also Saudia Airlines.

"Because Hajj is the benefit of people who have collected money for a dozen years and they have also fixed their hours," he said when met at the Jakarta Convention Center, Tuesday, May 28.

Furthermore, Budi admitted that he had proposed several things to Garuda Indonesia to improve the performance of the company's Hajj flights. One of them is diverting several wide-body aircraft that serve regular schedules to support Hajj flight activities.

Budi also admitted that he had given a warning to Garuda Indonesia. He said that both Garuda and the Ministry of SOEs had also promised to improve the performance of Hajj flights.

"Our Garuda (problem) is concerned that it happened, I was forced to tighten but both Garuda and the Ministry of SOEs promised to improve. What is being repaired? Of course there will be an additional new, better aircraft," he explained.

In addition, Budi said that his party had also communicated with Garuda Indonesia to carry out further examinations of the company's fleets serving Hajj flights.

"Hopefully, in the next one or two days the Hajj flights will run more optimally, regularly, and on time and there will be no more problems," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Ministry of Transportation gave a warning and firm action to the airline PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (GIAA) to make improvements regarding a number of complaints and input regarding the implementation of the 2024 Hajj transportation service.

"We listen to complaints submitted by the public and other stakeholders about Garuda airline flights. For this reason, we have followed up on this by giving warnings and taking firm action so that a number of improvements are made immediately," said Minister of Transportation Budi Karya quoting Antara.

Budi said that the Ministry of Transportation had taken firm action against Garuda Indonesia to immediately improve its services. The warning was also made by sending a letter. The warning letter was issued by the Director General of Air Transportation with Letter Number AU.402/2/21/DJPU.DKPPU-2024.

This letter contains a warning for Hajj Aviation Transportation on May 17, 2024 and the non-operation of several Hajj Transport aircraft in 2024, which was due to technical problems resulting in disruption of the schedule for the departure of pilgrims in several embarkations.