What Is Digital INA? This Is Understanding And Benefits

YOGYAKARTA What is INA Digital can be understood as an application-shaped technology that has become an innovation by the Government. This product is part of Indonesia's Government Technology (GovTech) and has been launched by President Jokowi Widodo (Jokowi) at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Monday, May 27, 2024.

The government continues to strive to accelerate digital services for the community. In order for this goal to be achieved, the acceleration is carried out by launching a digital service for the community called INA Digital which is expected to be able to streamline thousands of ministry and institutional applications.

Reporting from the Kominfo website, the purpose of holding Digital INA is to integrate all government services into one portal. That way people can easily access it. In addition, this service helps improve inter-ministerial and institutional interoperability.

Digital service integration is carried out in various sectors ranging from population administration, education, health, police, social assistance, to the immigration sector. Later the service can be accessed by the public only from one application installed into one cell phone.

In the future, INA Digital will be an application managed by Perum Peruri. The mobile application is one of the efforts to implement the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) which has been regulated in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2023, while Peruri will be the organizer of the Priority SPBE Application.

Previously, President Jokowi revealed that currently the central and regional governments have applications of approximately 27 thousand applications. On the other hand, the digitization of public services is not integrated. The President wants a change so that it becomes unity through Digital INA.

President Jokowi while attending the 2024 SPBE Summit event, which was held in Jakarta on Monday 27 May 2024, explained that INA Digital will facilitate services to the community in the fields of health, education, business defense, taxes, and other fields.

"I entrust it to ministries, institutions, local governments to carry out integration. There is no longer this reason because I feel the data itself. Leave the old precise, the old mindset," said President Jokowi.

One of the impacts of INA Digital is that the effort to integrate public service platforms can save the state budget of up to Rp6.2 trillion, where initially the budget was allocated to new applications.

After Digital INA is launched, the installation of services owned in each ministry/institution will be carried out in stages. The government targets that in September some public services will begin to be integrated.

In an effort to implement SPBE, nine services will be prioritized, namely as follows.

That's information related to INA Digital. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.