Duga PAN Fake Evidence Of Dispute In The West Java IV Electoral Election At The Constitutional Court, PKS Considers The Criminal Process

JAKARTA - The National Mandate Party (PAN) claims that there has been a transition in the votes acquired by its party to several other parties in the West Java IV electoral district (dapil) for the seat of the DPR at the Constitutional Court (MK).

One of them, PAN accused that there was a vote acquisition that moved to the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) by bringing evidence in the form of a C-Hasil form at the trial of dispute over the results of the 2024 Pilleg general election (PHPU).

Responding to this, PKS DPP attorney Zainuddin Paru suspected that the evidence brought by PAN in the Constitutional Court was faked.

"After we directly checked the evidence submitted by PAN, it should be suspected that the evidence was falsified and did not match the original evidence issued by the KPU and had a copy of it by PKS," said Zainuddin in his statement, quoted Tuesday, May 28.

Zainuddin Paru emphasized that PKS would consider processing the crime against evidence brought by PAN in the Constitutional Court. PKS also asked the Constitutional Court to categorize it as a criminal offense.

"If it is proven that PAN falsified C-Hasil, it is appropriate for the Constitutional Court Judge to order the party authorized to process the election criminal law. For example, at TPS 20, Aren Jaya Village, East Bekasi District, the name and signature of the PKS Witness were changed, the name of the PKS Witness should be Syafrizal replaced with the name Miftah," said Zainuddin.

Based on the testimony of a PKS witness named Syafrizal, the C-Hasil evidence at the TPS shown by PAN was fake. This is because Syafrizal feels that he has never signed the vote acquisition contained in C. The results held by PAN.

In fact, explained Zainuddin, Constitutional Court Judge Daniel Yusmic Pancastaki Foekh also questioned the number of TPS witnesses owned by PAN. Witnesses and the PAN Legal Team said that the number of witnesses owned by PAN was around 2,000 out of the total TPS 7,078 witnesses.

The PKS DPP Legal Team also questioned why there were PAN witnesses who did not know the difference in PAN votes with PKS votes.

"This does not make sense, that the witnesses presented do not know the difference in the number of votes between the applicant and those related," he said.

As is known, PAN asked the Constitutional Court to cancel the KPU's decision regarding the West Java DPR RI seat VI owned by PKS. The West Java VI electoral district has a quota of 6 seats. and by using the Sainte Lage method, PAN failed to get a seat because it was in 7th place with 168,637 votes or a difference of 10,774 votes with 6th PKS seats totaling 179,411 votes.