Vice President Leads BP3OKP Plenary Meeting To Discuss DOB To Papua Development

JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin chaired a plenary meeting of the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy Development for Papua (BP3OKP) at the Vice Presidential Palace, Jakarta.

In the meeting, a number of issues were discussed, including follow-up to the formation of four new Papuan autonomous regions (DOB), the resolution of the Papuan Superior Student scholarship problem, and the sustainability of Papuan development in the future.

The Vice President, as stated by the Press Bureau of the Vice Presidential Secretariat, reminded the presence of BP3OKP as the government's commitment to advancing and prospering the Papuan people.

The vice president asked BP3OKP members to strengthen coordination and control the implementation of programs financed by the APBN/APBD/Special Autonomy Funds through synchronization, harmonization, evaluation, and coordination (SHEK) of Papua Special Autonomy.

The first BP3OKP Plenary Meeting which was held in Jakarta was also attended by the Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas, Deputy Minister of Finance, six members of BP3OKP representatives, and Head of the BP3OKP Secretariat.

BP3OKP is mandated to carry out a major mission in development in Papua which is included in the 2022-2041 Papuan Development Acceleration Master Plan (RIPPP), which includes Healthy Papua, Smart Papua, Productive Papua and Fair and Peaceful Papua.

The implementation of the BP3OKP Plenary Meeting is one of the government's forums in effectively resolving strategic issues and challenges that arise in Papua's development.

This is as often conveyed by the Vice President on a number of occasions, namely "which is itchy which is scratched" or in other words, the policy for Papua must be in accordance with the real conditions on the ground and on target.

In the future, the Vice President hopes that members of the BP3OKP Papua Representative will be able to strengthen policy communication between the Government and the community.

During their tenure more than a year since they were appointed, BP3OKP members have carried out their SHEK functions well in their respective regions, such as continuing to communicate government policies for Papua to the public.

Next, bridge the aspirations that exist in their respective regions through coordination with the provincial and district/city governments, and being actively involved in regional development planning deliberation forums (musrenbang) and national musrenbang to discuss the acceleration of the development of Papua's special autonomy.

As is known, BP3OKP is a non-structural institution that is under and responsible to the President which was formed to carry out synchronization, harmonization, evaluation, and coordination (SHEK) for accelerating development, and implementing special autonomy in the Papua region.

The agency is chaired by the Vice President and consists of the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri), Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Head of Bappenas), Minister of Finance (Menkeu) and one representative from each province in Papua.

Meanwhile, the six members of BP3OKP representatives from each province in Papua, namely Albert Yoku (Papua), Irene Manibuy (West Papua), Pietrus Waine (Central Papua), Yosep Yolmen Yanowo (South Papua), Hantor Mantuan (Papua Mountains), and Otto Ihalauw (West Southwest Papua).