Nadiem Makarim Answers Criticism Of Missing Phrases Of Religion In PJP: Not True, Impossible For The Ministry Of Education And Culture To Delete Religion

JAKARTA - The Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud), Nadiem Anwar Makarim emphasized that his party has never and will never eliminate religious lessons.

This is in response to the polemic of religious phrases which reportedly disappeared from the National Education Roadmap (PJP) which recently drew criticism from various groups.

"I want to straighten out creative issues that are unfortunately not true and are circulating on social media, regarding the omission of the word religion from the Education Roadmap", said Nadiem in his statement quoted from his personal Instagram page @nadiemmakarim, Friday, March 12.

According to Nadiem, the news that the Ministry of Education and Culture will abolish religious subjects is far-fetched. Because he said, religion is not only a very important thing, but it is essential for the education of the Indonesian nation.

"So it is clear that this issue is not true and the Ministry of Education and Culture will never abolish religious subjects", said Nadiem.

At this time, continued Nadiem, the Education Roadmap was designed to create students who believe, fear God Almighty, and have noble morals.

"We definitely include religious phrases in it. To ask the public to think critically and not believe in things that are not true", said Nadiem.

Nadiem added that the Ministry of Education and Culture expressed its highest appreciation for the input and attention of various groups that the word 'religion' needed to be written explicitly to strengthen the objectives of the Education Roadmap.

"So, we will make sure that this word will be included in the next revision of the Education Roadmap", said Nadiem.