IPW Calls The Task Of Monitoring Densus 88 To Jampidsus Ordered By Someone

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesia Police Wakth (IPW), Sugeng Teguh Santoso, admitted that he was surprised by the alleged actions of Densus 88 Polri who stalked the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the Attorney General's Office (AGO) Febrie Ardiansyah.
He considered that if it was true, of course the action was not in the interests of individuals. However, the task is being carried out by the members.
Because for him, monitoring is a surveillance method to obtain information or data from those he monitors.
"Well, this is a bit surprising, yes, what is being monitored is the Jampidsus (Indonesian Attorney General's Office) by the Densus. This means that this is something serious," said Sugeng when confirmed, Sunday, May 26.
He also assessed that this monitoring had two purposes to carry out the stalking, namely related to corruption and the conflict between the two agencies.
IPW melihat dugaan ada dua isu, satu isu pertama adalah isu dugaan korupsi, isu kedua adalah terkait dengan adanya Konflik kewenangan antara dua lembaga, antara polisi dan jaksa, ujarnya.
Based on information received by IPW, said Sugeng, the prosecutor's office is currently handling a mining case that should have been taken by the police. Because for the prosecutor's office, they act based on the corruption aspect of the mining case.
Some time ago IPW received information that the prosecutor's office was very intensively involved in handling mining cases. Even though the mining case is not the authority of the prosecutor's office, the prosecutor's office takes from the aspect of corruption, because the mining case is a criminal act that is under the authority of the Police," he concluded.
Previously, it was rumored that Febrie was being followed by members of Densus 88 Polri. The incident occurred while Febrie was enjoying dinner at a restaurant in Cipete, South Jakarta. One of the members of Densus 88 was caught watching Jampidsus dinner.
The incident was reported by two people who witnessed it, who said the incident occurred at around 20.00 to 21.00 WIB. They observed when the two members of Densus 88 left the restaurant, one of which was immediately secured by military police, while the other managed to escape.
The AGO is known to be uncovering several major cases. One of the most causing public unrest is the case of alleged corruption in tin trading system in the mining business permit (IUP) area of PT Timah in 2015-2022.
Febrie has recently been monitored by the TNI military police on instructions because Jampidsus is investigating a large corruption case. Febrie is currently handling the corruption case of PT Timah's IUP worth IDR 271 trillion.