As Many As 100 Tanks Aid For Ukraine Not Functioning

JAKARTA - As many as 100 Leopard 1 tanks that Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands gave to Ukraine as military aid suffered damage due to lost parts.

Danish media media, DR, reported that the problems with the tanks were so clear that Ukraine refused to accept weapons under their command. In a Danish Ministry of Defense document, the German defense industry in particular did not fulfill its promise to Ukraine.

The document says selected tanks to be delivered to Ukrainian soldiers were unable to fire as the recoil brakes were lost.

The Danish Ministry of Defense ensured that Danish mechanics was deployed to repair damaged tanks. More than 90 tanks have been renewed, but not all of them have been delivered.

"To ensure that there are enough tanks for use in training in Germany, it has been decided - through coordination with Ukraine and Germany industries - to maintain a number of tanks in the training area," the Danish Ministry of Defense said.

Meanwhile, Denmark's Secretary of Defense, Troels Lund Poulsen, stressed it would resolve the issue with its partners and Ukraine.

"It's important to remember that a donation of this size and with a speed like this is something new for us."

"This has never happened before. Therefore, challenges will arise over time, as we see in the Leopard 1 tank."

"The most important thing is that we, together with our allies, are able to support Ukraine's struggle for freedom -- in the short and long term," he said again.