President Jokowi Distributes Basic Food For Residents At The Great Building

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo distributed basic necessities to Yogyakarta residents at the Presidential Palace Complex 'Gung Building', Yogyakarta City, Yogyakarta DI, on Saturday, May 25, 2024.

Hundreds of residents and tourists were seen queuing up to snaking across from the Presidential Palace escorted by security forces since 16.00 WIB.

To enter to collect assistance through the southern side of the Gedung Agung, they must submit coupons one by one.

Nimbang (54) and her husband Wahyudi (57) said they were happy to meet President Jokowi in person, as well as receive basic food assistance in the form of sugar, cooking oil, rice, and biscuits.

According to Nimbang, one of his grandchildren whom he invited to enter the palace yard had the opportunity to shake hands with President Jokowi.

"Earlier, my grandson cried because he kept waiting in line and was invited to meet Pak Jokowi," Nimbang said as quoted by Antara.

The resident of Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta City, deliberately came back to the Presidential Palace area because during the distribution of Presidential basic necessities on Friday, May 24, 2024, he did not get coupons.

"Earlier, we have been waiting here since 15.00 WIB. Thank God, we received coupons and at 16.00 WIB the door was opened," he said.

Unlike Nimbang, Gono, a resident of Sleman, admitted that he did not expect to receive basic food assistance from the President.

While walking across the Presidential Palace area, the 63-year-old man was suddenly given a coupon by an officer and was invited to queue.

"Earlier, I just passed here, suddenly asked to take a coupon from the army man," he said.

Gono said he was happy even though he had not had time to check the contents of the red and white jinjing bag.

Previously, President Jokowi also distributed basic necessities to residents on Friday, May 24, 2024, at the Yogyakarta Presidential Palace.

According to the Presidential Secretariat, Jokowi has an internal agenda at the Yogyakarta Presidential Palace.