A Total Of 42 Sports Tourism Points In West Java Are Focused On Running And Bicycles

JAKARTA - Cycling de Jabar 2024 starts on Saturday, May 25, 2024 in front of the Cirebon Mayor's Office.

Cycling de Jabar 2024 was followed by 202 cyclists who drove from Cirebon City Hall to Pangandaran Regency with a distance of 213 kilometers.

Interestingly, Cycling de West Java will pass several points out of a total of 42 sports tourism spots in West Java.

Based on the results of data collection from the Provincial Youth and Sports Agency (Dispora), West Java, in 2021, West Java, there are 42 sports tourism points that have the full potential to be developed.

According to the Head of the West Java Dispora, Asep Sukmana, 42 sports tourism points are spread across 14 regencies and cities, namely Bogor City and Regency, Sukabumi Regency, Cianjur Regency, Purwakarta Regency, Subang Regency, and West Bandung Regency.

The other seven points are Bandung Regency, Sumedang Regency, Garut Regency, Majalengka Regency, Kuningan Regency, Tasikmalaya Regency, and Pangandaran Regency.

"The West Java area, which is used as a place for sport tourism, is increasing every year as a result of the success of organizing sports in the regions in previous years," said Asep.

He said that based on the results of the mapping that had been carried out, several types that were categorized as sport tourism in West Java were focused on 11 types of sports.

"In order to raise sport tourism in West Java, there are 11 types of sports that can be carried out based on the geographical characteristics owned by each region," he said.

Asep said the 11 types of sports include cycling, climbing, rafting, shipping diving, golf, surfing, hiking, triathlon, motokros, paragliding, and running.

Of the 11 types of sports, they can be carried out in several geographical conditions owned by West Java, such as mountains for hiking, running, triathlon, cycling, and climbing.

Then the sea is forUS diving, coastal for surfing, and triathlon. Then, air for paragliding, rivers for rafting, urban areas for running, golf, and cycling. Meanwhile, hilly areas are for motorcyclists.

"For 2024, the West Java Provincial Government is focusing on running and bicycle sports in order to raise sport tourism, including West Java Run 10K and West Java Ultra in Kuningan Regency, Cycling de West Java whose routes are from Cirebon to Pangandaran," he said.

The two types of sports in these activities have many enthusiasts and communities both inside and outside West Java.

"Usually these enthusiasts or communities are always enthusiastic about participating and similar events will be used as their annual schedule event," he said.

Furthermore, Asep explained that West Java with a large area has many factors with its own charm to be held in a sport tourism event.

Pesona Jabar has many tourist destinations and varies, such as natural tourist destinations as many as 1,436, 585 cultural tourism, and 758-made tourism as well as the beauty of mountains, seas, and natural basins that can provide a unique experience in every event that is different from place.

"Then accessibility in West Java is complete, has two international airports, 13 stations and 130 trains, 13 ports, 9 toll roads, and 26 type A and B terminals, which make it easier for domestic and foreign tourists to come to West Java," he said.

Another reason, West Java has complete accommodation, place to eat, and travel facilities in each region.

The number of hotels in West Java is 1,874, homestay 458, restaurant 1,635, cafe 639, travel bureau 369, tour attendant 509, and public transportation 20,764 so that the participants will not lack anything during the event in West Java.

"The creative economy and culinary tourism that continues to grow also further adds to their own attractiveness for domestic and foreign tourists to explore in West Java," he concluded.