Meeting The Minister Of The Republic Of Mali, Minister Of PUPR Basuki Agrees On Cooperation In These Three Fields

JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono met with the Minister of Environment, Sanitation and Sustainable Development of the Republic of Mali Mamadou Samaké at the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC).

This meeting is one of Basuki's agendas in the 10th World Water Forum which was held in Bali on May 18-25, 2024, in order to strengthen cooperation between Indonesia and the Republic of Mali, especially regarding the development of Human Resources (HR) in the field of Water.

Basuki said, one of the concrete results from the 10th World Water Forum is the establishment of a Center of Excellence for water and climate security. With the establishment of this Center of Excellence, Indonesia and Mali can share knowledge.

"Mali can send their human resources to Indonesia, and vice versa. That way, we can strengthen cooperation in the water sector, after in the telecommunications sector and other economic activities," said Basuki, Friday, May 24.

He added that one of the 10th World Water Forum activities was "The Bandung Spirit Water Summit" which was a series of High-Level Panel (HLP) meetings that brought the spirit of the 1955 Asian Africa Conference in Bandung.

"In 2025 we will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Asia Africa Summit, for that we have a high level panel related to "Bandung Spirit" in this forum. In the future, we will have stronger cooperation in the field of water, energy and transportation," he said.

Meanwhile, Minister Mamadou Samaké welcomed the proposed human resource exchange between Indonesia and the Republic of Mali. According to him, his party can learn from Indonesia's strong technology and innovation.

"Thank you for this HR exchange proposal. Indonesia has strong technology and innovation, we hope to learn from Indonesia, especially in the fields of water, transportation and energy," he said.

In addition, he also thanked Indonesia for Indonesia's warm welcome and the implementation of the 10th well-organized World Water Forum. "Indonesia and the Republic of Mali have a historic relationship starting with the 1955 Asia-Africa Summit in Bandung," he added.