South Korean Military Detection Of North Korean Signal Launches Reconnaissance Satellite

JAKARTA - The South Korean military detected allegations that North Korea was preparing to launch a military reconnaissance satellite, South Korean military officials said.

In December, Pyongyang expressed its determination to launch three more spy satellites this year, a month after successfully placing its first satellite into orbit.

Earlier this year, South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik told reporters that North Korea's Malligyong-1 spy satellite appeared to orbit Earth without activity.

Signs of preparations for the launch of North Korean military spy satellites, according to the official, were detected recently in the Tongchang-ri region.

"South Korean and US intelligence authorities continue to monitor and track related activities," the official said, attached to the South Korea military's Joint Chiefs of Staff.

North Korea launched its three satellites last year from their satellite launch station in northwestern province of North Pyongan, Tongchang-ri.

Although the military is constantly detecting personnel, vehicles, and equipment activity at launch sites, it seems to be getting bigger lately.

Equipment used to measure and assess the launch trajectory of space rockets is said to have been detected at the site.

The South Korean military is currently strengthening surveillance and monitoring in the region, which is accompanied by preparations to intercept North Korean launch vehicles if they enter South Korean airspace, the official said.

If North Korea continues its launch, they will likely notify Japan of the schedule as was done before its three satellite launches last year, the official said.

The allegation of preparations comes as South Korean, Chinese and Japanese leaders will hold a trilateral summit in Seoul on Monday (27/5) for the first time in 4.5 years.

The meeting plan raises speculation that North Korea is likely to set the launch time to coincide with the meeting to maximize the potential for a political impact.

South Korea, the US, and other countries have criticized North Korea's launch of space rockets.

They called the move a violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions, which prohibits the launch of ballistic missiles, as the launch uses the same technology.