Number Of Bus Accident Victims In Sumedang Raised To 29

JAKARTA - The number of victims who died in the Sri Padma Kencana tour bus accident has increased. This is because two injured victims were declared dead.

"Yes, it is true, the death toll has increased. In total, 29 people have died to date," said Director of Traffic of the West Java Regional Police, Kombes Eddy Djunaedi to VOI, Thursday, March 11.

Eddy added, the two victims died, namely Mamah and Euis. They died after undergoing medical treatment.

"Both died in hospital. They were treated at Sumedang Hospital," he said.

With this addition, the total number of victims who died as a result of this deadly accident was 29 people. They are passengers, drivers, and bus assistants.

Meanwhile, 37 people were injured or who were still undergoing treatment.

Meanwhile, the Sri Padma Kencana tour bus with passengers from the Al Muawanah IT Middle School group, Cisalak, Subang, West Java entered a ravine in Sumedang, Wednesday, March 10.

The unfortunate incident occurred in Tanjakan Cae, Sukajadi Village, Wado District, Sumedang Regency, West Java.