Fadli Zon Strengthens Commitment To Anti-Corruption Parliament And Environmental Democracy In Southeast Asia

BALI Chairperson of the House of Representatives' Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) Fadli Zon in his capacity as President of the Organization of the Anti-Corruption Parliament of Southeast Asia, Southeast Asia Parliamentarians against Corruption (SEAP), emphasized the importance of parliament's role in advancing environmental democracy (environmental democracy) and overcoming green corruption at the SEAPAC Regional Discussion which took place in Bali. The forum held by SEPAC with the DPR RI BKSAP and the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) aims to strengthen parliamentary commitments in the Southeast Asia region to environmental democratic principles, as one of the important elements in eradicating corruption. We need to strengthen the role of parliament in promoting the environmental democracy,'' said Fadli.

This involves key pillars such as access to information, public participation in decision making, and access to justice in environmental issues," he added. In his remarks, Fadli said that SEAPAC under his leadership has consistently sought to involve lawmakers in various anti-corruption dialogues, including with perspectives on protecting and preserving the environment through handling corruption in the green sector. One of the steps he thought was important to take is the integration of Rio's 10th Principle into policy framework and environmental governance. Discussions attended by lawmakers from Southeast Asian countries Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Timor-Leste, presents various experts who explain how environmental democratic principles can be applied in the context of parliament to improve transparency and accountability in natural resource management. This forum also discusses the importance of the role of parliament in encouraging the achievement of commitment and climate targets, including through assessment of the impact of environmental regulation in the legislative process, green budget analysis, as well as supervision with environmental dimensions. This series of activities also includes brief workshops related to experience and practices of both parliament in implementation of environmental democratic principles, where members of SEAPAC can exchange views and experience sharing from their respective countries. We at SEAPAC are committed to strengthening the role and capacity of parliament related to anti-corruption, including those related to environmental corruption, both at the national and regional levels,''', said Fadli.

As President, he invited members of SEPAC to take an active role in promoting environmental democracy in Southeast Asia. Currently ASEAN is developing an Environmental Rights Framework (ASEAN Environmental Rights Framework). This is a manifestation of environmental democracy as stated in Rio's Declaration, whose implementation is expected to significantly reduce and prevent environmental corruption. MPs, particularly those who are members of SEPACC, must contribute to the development of this framework, he added. Fadli stated that SEAPAC will cooperate with relevant stakeholders in the region, including WFD and ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), to promote and design further steps for parliament and lawmakers in promoting environmental democracy. We will also explore the potential to hold an audience with the ASEAN Inter-Government Commission on Human Rights (AICHR), which is responsible for developing the framework of such environmental rights, said Fadli.