Indonesian Air Force Discusses Alutsista Cooperation With Airbus

JAKARTA - Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) Marshal TNI Mohamad Tonny Harjono discussed cooperation in the main weapon system (alutsista) with Vincent Dubrule as Head of Region for Airbus Helicopters, at Air Force Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta.

The meeting between Tonny and Vincent discussed several things, especially about the new technology owned by the European company.

Tonny welcomed the discussion because Airbus and the Indonesian Air Force had a good track record in working in the field of defense equipment procurement.

The warm meeting took place conducively. After the meeting, the Airbus ranks received souvenirs from Tonny as a memento.

Previously, the Head of Region for Airbus Defense & Space Zakir Hamid, Airbus Indonesia Chief Representative Dani Adriananta, was also present at the meeting.

Tonny is also actively collaborating in the field of strengthening air defenses by several countries, one of which is France.

This collaboration was agreed by Air Staff Talk TNI AU and French Air and Space Foreca (FASF) in a forum that took place in Yogyakarta, Thursday (18/4).

The Indonesian Air Force Delegation, namely Deputy Assistant Operations (Waasops) of KSAU Marsma TNI Untung Suropati, explained the cooperation carried out in the fields of training, education, Subject Matter Exchange Expert (SMEE) and flight operations.

The FASF delegation, Brigadier General Hugues Pichevin, also welcomed the military cooperation scheme.

With this joint training program, the two countries have the opportunity to exchange personnel, instructors and educational materials.

Not only that, this exercise also facilitates the two countries to exchange experts or specials in the field of tactics and defense equipment.

In addition, this exercise also allows the two countries to exchange experiences and flight operations techniques in maintaining the country's territory.