Deputy Minister Of SOEs Asks Bulog To Transform To Competitive Commercial Business

Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Kartika Wirjoatmodjo requested that Perum Bulog be able to transform to commercial businesses related to the provision of food, which is able to compete domestically and at the global level in general.

"We want Bulog to transform also towards an increasingly commercial company as well. We want Bulog's commercial business in the supply chain in the food ecosystem to be better and able to compete with similar global players in Indonesia and abroad," Tiko said quoting Antara.

According to the man who is familiarly called Tiko, Bulog, which is a pillar of price stability and food stocks in the country, must also be able to keep up with the times and transform on the commercial side so that it is able to compete domestically and globally.

"We want to see Bulog transform into a new, modern Bulog that faces the future with optimism, and we want in the next 10 years Bulog to become a world-class food player," said Tiko.

For the Deputy Minister of BUMN, Bulog is also a development agent in the field of agriculture and food which has a big task to prosper consumers and producers.

For this reason, Tiko fully supports the transformation of Perum Bulog's new logo. However, he emphasized that the transformation really runs in a button up manner, starting from competence, business processes, risk management, financial management, to culture, and talent management which must be fully improved.

He also reminded that the development of the Bulog logo can increase confidence in the presence of Bulog, position as a food supply chain in Indonesia, and improve the culture of service to both the community, farmers and consumers.

He also hopes that in the future the aspect of government assignments through Bapanas to Bulog will be better, more efficient, more reliable and better protect the community.

"We want the spirit of changing the Bulog logo and the spirit of Bulog's 57th Anniversary to be a catalyst for all of us, especially for friends, millennials in Bulog to jointly transform Bulog into a modern and future-appropriate company," said Tiko.

In the same place, the President Director of Perum Bulog Bayu Krisnamurthi said that with the transformation of the new logo, he would continue to strengthen one of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in carrying out its duties as a food supply chain in all corners of the country.

"The Indonesian people expect a lot from Bulog, the state hopes for Bulog, and therefore Bulog answers it by we are ready to transform, Bulog is ready," said Bayu.

Bayu revealed that Bulog is committed to continuing to become a leading state-owned company in the food supply chain and benefiting the entire community in accordance with the trust given by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo.

He also thanked all parties who continue to support Bulog so that they can carry out their duties well, starting from President Joko Widodo to the Ministry of SOEs.