This Expeditionary Company Uses Chatbot Solutions From To Improve Services For Customers

JAKARTA - Not long ago, as a conversation service provider based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) announced its latest partnership. The company is working with service provider Lion Parcel.

Through this partnership, Lion Parcel uses a generative AI-powered chatbot enabled by By leveraging the YellowG-backed LLM API, the chatbot Lion Parcel uses is able to help customers in real-time.

Selain itu, chatbot Lion Parcel juga memberikan opsi layanan mandiri yang diklaim nyaman untuk digunakan. Pelasaran bisa menerima respons yang cepat mengenai status pengiriman, tracking lokasi paket, pembayaran update, dan lainnya. chatbots are able to have conversations in two languages, namely English and Indonesian. Budi Santoso, Lion Parcel's Chief Experient ce Officer, said that his party had deliberately only presented two languages so far.

According to Lion Parcel, these two languages are quite relevant to the needs of the people in Indonesia. However, there is a possibility that Lion Parcel will increase the support for other languages in the future, but the focus is on regional languages.

"This chatbot is designed for local audiences throughout Indonesia, so from a language point of view, English and Indonesian will continue to be the most relevant," Budi told VOI. "However, we will explore the addition of other Indonesian regional languages in the future if needed by customers."


Meanwhile, in terms of latency, Budi said that the chatbot response depends on how complex the question is. Chatbot will provide answers within a few seconds, but if it requires data, the system will take longer.

Yellow Co-Founder and Rashid Khan replied that chatbot efficiency has increased over the past four months. So far, the chatbot Lion Parcel uses can answer more than 3.2 million messages from customers.

"Lion Parcel has successfully maximized the use of AI genes across their customer experience platforms with 85 percent queries automated by the Gen AI bot without the involvement of human agents," said Rashid.

In line with the increasing efficiency of chatbots, tries to minimize the risk of hallucinations from LLM so that the user experience is not disturbed. also continues to study user behavior to optimize its LLM response.

Currently, chatbots are not only used by Lion Parcel. There are several other companies that also partner with the AI company, including Lion Air,, OY! Indonesia, Decathlon ID, BFI Indonesia, Nutrimart, and many more.

Going forward, plans to revolutionize the customer service industry with omnichannel automation solutions that rely on AI and improve YellowG. Rashid explained to VOI that they have four specific plans in the future.

The four plans are to launch YellowG as a multipurpose LLM platform, introduce Voice AI which is integrated with Voice LLM, develop special LLMs to handle complaint tickets, and evolve to generative AI-based bots.

"Our focus is on enriching conversations by including visual elements. It includes features such as quick replies, images, and videos that are made automatically based on knowledge-based content," explained Rashid.