Bobby Nasution Takes North Sumatra Cagub Registration Form To PKS

MEDAN - Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution took the registration form for a candidate for governor at the Regional Representative Council of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) of North Sumatra Province (North Sumatra) to fight in the North Sumatra gubernatorial election.

The registration form collection was represented by the Bobby Nasution Internal Team at the North Sumatra PKS DPW office in Medan City, Wednesday, May 22.

"Our arrival to the PKS DPW was assigned by Bobby Nasution to represent him to take the registration form for the candidate for governor of North Sumatra," said Bobby Nasution's Internal Team, Muhammad Ricky Pangeran, as reported by ANTARA.

Ricky Pangeran explained that the North Sumatra PKS DPW was the ninth party Bobby Nasution to take the registration file for the candidate for governor in the 2024 Pilkada.

"A total of nine parties have been formed. Meanwhile, the assignment for today is only PKS," he said.

Previously, Bobby Nasution through the team as of Tuesday (21/5) had also taken registration forms in six parties, namely the Democratic Party, PKB, Perindo, PPP, Hanura and the National Democrats (Nasdem).

Bobby Nasution also directly took a form at the Gerindra DPD Office and at the same time declared himself to join the party founded by Prabowo Subianto on Monday (20/5).

"The Gerindra Party and PAN have also. So a total of nine parties," he said.

The presence of the Bobby Nasution Internal Team was greeted directly by the Head of Penjaringan and the attack on the North Sumatra PKS Pilkada, North Sumatra, Amazaya Nasution, along with other ranks.

Nasution said the North Sumatra PKS would process the registration form for gubernatorial candidate Bobby Nasution according to the party's mechanism.

"We hope that the file will be filled in and returned to PKS. We will process it according to the party mechanism in effect in PKS," said Amaz Nasution.

There are already six figures who have taken the registration form for the candidate for governor in the North Sumatra PKS party, including Edy Rahmyadi, Musa Rajekshah.

"All figures, including Bobby Nasution, have the same opportunities as the others. We will give the DPP considerations to decide which candidates will be promoted by the North Sumatra PKS," he said.