Former Chairman Of The Central Java Kudus KONI Tried For Corruption Cases Of IDR 2.3 Billion

Former Chairman of KONI Kudus Regency, Central Java, Imam Triyanto, was tried on suspicion of corruption in grant funds for the parent organization of the sports branches in the period 2021-2023 which resulted in state losses of Rp2.3 billion.

Public Prosecutor Bambang Sumarsono in a trial at the Semarang Corruption Court said the Kudus Regency KONI received grants from the APBD and changes to the 2021, 2022, and 2023 APBDs with a total of Rp22.9 billion.

In the disbursement and distribution of the budget, he said, the defendant allegedly used some money for personal purposes.

According to him, the defendant cut the budget allocation of a number of sports and secretariats in KONI Kudus Regency due to the indisclinary preparation of the plan to use grant funds.

"The defendant is suspected of deliberately not compiling a detailed budget allocation for each sports management, in accordance with the script for the regional grant agreement," he said in a trial chaired by Chief Judge Siti Insirah as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 22.

In addition, the defendant also directly appointed a provider of equipment and food needs for the Central Java Porprov event whose value reached Rp1.8 billion.

Based on the calculation of the Central Java Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), he continued, the state losses due to the defendant's actions reached Rp. 2.3 billion.

For his actions, the defendant was charged with Article 2 paragraph 1 or Article 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999 which was amended and added to Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption.