Can Acne Patch Be Used For Stone Acne? The Following Is An Explanation And Differences With Ordinary Acne

YOGYAKARTA - Not infrequently, it is not uncommon for people to use an acne patch, aka a patch, to treat their acne. This small bandage-like sticker is claimed to be effective in drying acne, accelerating acne treatment, and covering it up. But can acne patches be used for stone acne? Let's discuss it in isni! Listen to the end, yes!

Getting To Know Stone Acne

Stone acne is a very severe form of acne. This acne has a larger size, redness, contains pus, and gives rise to soreness. This type of treatment requires prosecution by a doctor.

Stone acne or commonly called a critical acne (cytic acne). The reason is, this acne is created when a germ infects the skin deeper so that it gives rise to a worse state than an ordinary acne. If not handled properly, stone acne can spread to the surrounding skin and generally leaves the remaining acne scars.

Different Stone Acne With Ordinary Acne

In fact, it is not difficult to distinguish between ordinary acne and stone acne. Well, here are the differences between the two:

I. Size

Ordinary acne is relatively small when compared to stone acne. In stone acne, the dimensions of acne are larger, are red, and feel sore due to inflamed skin.

That's why this type also gets the nickname acne cooked. While a regular acne, it can appear redish too. However, it usually doesn't cause a pain.

II. Cause

Stone acne and regular acne triggers are actually the same. Both can occur due to bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells trapped in the pores. However, the condition of stone acne is more severe than ordinary acne. This type generally occurs in people with oily skin types.

This skin problem is also prone to young people, women, and middle-aged people who have hormonal imbalances in their bodies.

III. Healing

These two types of acne have different treatment periods. Normal acne is fairly fast, it could only be a few days to a week. The healing is also not so difficult and generally can be lost by using acne drugs without a prescription.

On the other hand, stone acne arises from a deeper composition of the skin, so the healing takes longer, it could take up to a few weeks.

Because it is formed in a deeper layer of the skin, sometimes healing with cream or ingredients without a prescription is not very efficient for cooked acne.

It doesn't just take longer to treat, this skin problem also risks giving rise to scars. That's why, stay away from squeezing acne which can make it even more inflamed to cause infection.

Although the effect on each person may be different, the best acne patches in relieve acne with lightning. This small paste can spur acne treatment, especially in some problems, prevent acne so that it doesn't appear at all.

This is because the acne patch helps the skin absorb anti-acne and lesion ingredients that will be evenly distributed, so that they can recover in a shorter time.

The hydrocoloid patch implementation works very well for acne that has been formed, especially white comodos, because it will pull out and absorb pus, oil, and others.

On the other hand, a hydrocoloid patch implementation with acne-fighting ingredients, a kind of salicylic acid, works very well for acne that has just arisen. However, acne patches or pipe patches may not be efficient for tackling more severe acne, a kind of stone acne. The reasons are as discussed above, healing with creams or ingredients without a prescription is not very efficient for cooked acne.

How To Remove Stone Acne

1. Antibiotic drug

An antibiotic medicine for acne has the main position for tackling inflammation and infection. However, the rules for using and doses of drugs are mandatory according to the advice of the doctor so as not to increase the risk of serious side effects.

2. Special Acne Cream

Not only that, doctors can also prescribing fertilizers or creams as a method of getting rid of efficient stone acne. Like medicine, you are required to use this acne cream as recommended so that the results are maximized.

3. Isotretinoin

Isotretinoin is a drug that is included among retinoids made from the synthesis ofvit A. This drug has 2 choices of preparation, namely the form of a gel or capsule with only one or 2 doses a day according to the doctor's prescription.

The method of attaching acne to a rock using isotretinoin is fairly efficient because it can help relieve severe acne infections. However, pregnant women should not use this drug because it increases the risk of birth defects in the baby.

In addition, to increase insight, 7 Types of Acne are known and a way to overcome them.

So after knowing whether the acne patch can be used for stone acne, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!