Police Arrest 5 Distributors, One Kg Of Marijuana Found At Campus Security Post In Makassar

MAKASSAR - Makassar Police reveal the circulation of marijuana. One kilogram of marijuana was found in a private campus security post.

Head of Makassar Police Narcotics Agency AKBP Yudi Frianto said that one kilogram of marijuana has been packed in plastic. This finding was revealed from the arrest of AAN (20) and YM (20) on Jalan Karaeng Bonto Tangnga 2, Makassar.

"At the first crime scene (the scene of the incident), we got a pack of marijuana. Continue to the second scene where the evidence is two rolled (marijuana) and some pyrex and some plastic, used pipette rods," said AKBP Yudi Frianto, to reporters, Wednesday, March 10.

During the development at the second location, the police arrested three suspects namely D (25), A (24) and L (18) at Jalan Barukang, Makassar.

From there, the police moved to the third location where one kilogram of marijuana was seized from the campus at Jalan Urip Sumoharjo, Makassar.

"It was suspected that D (communicated via) his cellphone about the shipment of marijuana outside Makassar, so we checked. After it was opened, there was one kilo of marijuana that had been packed," said AKBP Yudi.

Then the suspect and his evidence were taken to the Makassar Police. The suspect is subject to Article 114 paragraph (1) Article 111 paragraph (1) RI Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics.