Denying The Testimony Of Durian, SYL: By Allah, The Prophet Of My Family Does Not Like It

JAKARTA - Former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL), was surprised by the testimony of the former Secretary of the Quarantine Agency, Wisnu Haryana, who stated that he routinely sent the Musang King durian to the official residence (rumdin) at the Widya Chandra Complex, South Jakarta.

According to him, none of his family liked the fruit. So, it is impossible for the durian to request.

"I have a family that my wife, children, grandchildren don't like your durian, you can't even enter the house, durian," said SYL when giving a response during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Monday, May 20.

In fact, SYL vowed that his family members did not eat durian. Although, he admitted that he liked the fruit.

"I think I need to say this. I'm the only one eating durian, by Allah Rasulullah. Therefore, if there are durians like this, I'm just surprised," he said.

"But please, I will put it in my defense or pledoi. Nothing, even vomiting, I have grandchildren, children then," continued SYL.

Meanwhile, Wisnu Haryana had mentioned that there was a routine request regarding the Musang King durian.

"Have you ever not given or bought money used to buy durian?" asked the prosecutor during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Monday, May 20.

"Yes, I have," replied Wisnu.

"What is this duration?" asked the prosecutor.

"Wesang King dance," said Wisnu.

The prosecutor said that according to the records of the Quarantine Agency that had been confiscated, there were many durian purchases, the nominal amount of which reached tens of millions.

"If I look at the records here, there are a lot of these related to durian; June 18, June 18, durian June 22, the value is 20 million to 40 million?" asked the prosecutor who was immediately agreed to by Vishnu.

"What is this? What do you mean?" asked the prosecutor to confirm.

"Usually if durian is information from Panji as well, from banner, it can go directly to me or through the Head of the Agency. So later if it goes to the Agency, the Head of the Agency told me that this asks for durian needs to be sent to Wicha," said Wisnu explaining.