Former PDIP Cadre Sues Megawati About Dismissal At Court

JAKARTA - Former PDI-P cadre Rismawati Simarmata sued Megawati Soekarnoputri to the Central Jakarta District Court. The lawsuit is related to the dismissal experienced.

Based on the case tracing information system (SIPP) of the Central Jakarta District Court, the lawsuit is registered under number 159 / Pdt.Sus-Parpol / 2021 / PN Jkt.Pst dated Wednesday, March 10.

Not only Megawati Soekarnoputri, several other defendants, namely, DPP PDI Perjuangan cq Hasto Kristiyanto, DPD PDIP North Sumatra cq Djarot Saiful Hidayat, and DPC PDIP Samosir Regency cq Sorta Ertaty Siahaan.

In the petitum, Rismawati asked the panel of judges to grant her claim. The defendants were said to have committed an illegal act.

"To declare that Defendant I, Defendant II, Defendant III, and Defendant IV have been proven to have committed illegal acts (onrechtmatige daad)," said the petitum quoted by VOI, Wednesday, March 10.

"Declare invalid and / or null and void and / or have no legal force to bind all actions or decisions of Defendant I and Defendant II that have caused harm to the Plaintiff," he continued.

In addition, Rismawati also asked the panel of judges to declare invalid regarding the Request for Intertime Replacement of the Samosir Regency DPRD members submitted by Sorta Ertaty Siahaan, dated March 3, 2021.

He also asked the panel of judges to declare the decisions of Defendant I and Defendant II Number 84 / KPTS / DPP / II / 2020 dated February 25, 2021 regarding the Plaintiff's dismissal.

"Ordered Defendant I and Defendant II to revoke Decision Number 84 / KPTS / DPP / II / 2020 dated February 25, 2021 concerning the Plaintiff's dismissal," wrote the petitum.