List Of Provinces That Remove BBNKB II And Progressive Taxes, Check Your Region

YOGYAKARTA The public now does not need to pay back fees for the names of the second motorized vehicles or BBNKB II. This is because several provinces have removed BBNKB II and progressive tax rates. However, it should be noted that this elimination has only been announced by several provinces. The public is advised to know the list of provinces that have removed BBNKB II and Progressive Taxes.

As is known, BBNKB II is a tax imposed by the government to the public in handing over ownership rights to second or former motorized vehicles.

Meanwhile, the progressive tax of motorized vehicles is levies imposed with certain percentages based on the number and price of the vehicle owned.

Based on information from the Ministry of Home Affairs, as of January 2024 as much as 89 percent of the total 38 provinces in Indonesia have removed BBNKB II. The following is a list of provinces that no longer enforce BBNKB II.

Meanwhile, provinces that have removed the progressive tax obligation of motorized vehicles are as follows.

It should be noted that BBNKB II and progressive tax rates are a source of regional income, so it takes time to find a replacement for sources of income.

The purpose of removing BBNKB II and progressive tax rates is to reduce the burden on the community and help uniform motor vehicle ownership data. The removal itself was proposed by the Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas) of the National Police Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi to the local government (Pemda). The following are the considerations used for the elimination of BBNKB II and progressive tax rates.

The Ministry of Home Affairs itself explained that currently BBNKB II is no longer valid as contained in Law Number 1 of 2022 concerning Financial Relations between the Central Government and Regional Governments (UU HKPD).

President Joko Widodo himself has ratified the regulations on January 5, 2022, promulgated and enforced on the same date. The provisions will take effect in three years starting from the stipulation of the law, namely on January 5, 2025.

It is recommended to the public to find out the requirements for bleaching vehicle taxes and to be free of transfer fees for the name of the latest vehicle.

That's information related to the list of provinces that deleted BBNKB II and progressive taxes. Visit to get other interesting information.