Ahok Gives Advice To Anies Baswedan: Provide A Free Flat Instead Of A House With A Down Payment Of Rp

JAKARTA - Although he has not served as Governor of DKI Jakarta for a long time, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok or BTP still pays attention to the people of the capital city. Especially for the less fortunate in getting a place to live.

Ahok suggested that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government also build flats for underprivileged residents, not build them for sale. For example, the DP Rp 0 house program, which is now having problems with the procurement of land at the KPK.

Ahok said, the Rp 0 DP home program was not suitable for the underprivileged residents of DKI Jakarta. Namely for residents whose income is still below the provincial minimum wage.

"The problem is people with UMP salaries. Moreover, those below (UMP) will not be able to pay the installments. Not to mention paying monthly maintenance fees," Ahok told VOI as quoted Wednesday, March 10.

"That's why I always say, there must be a flat that does not need to be purchased, but can be lived in for life and can be passed on to another child (1 level). It can only be returned to the Regional Government if you no longer want to live in the flat because it is already can afford to buy elsewhere, "said Ahok.

If DKI chooses to keep building houses to sell, Ahok is worried that Jakarta will run out of land. Moreover, there is less and less land in Jakarta.

"Later, our land will not be sufficient if we continue to sell it with subsidies. The subsidies must be for the poor and those whose income cannot afford it. But it is not only the right to live for life and children / in-laws may continue," said Ahok.

Meanwhile, Ahok was reluctant to comment on the land acquisition for the Rp0 DP house which led to allegations of corruption. The KPK named Yoory Corneles Pinontoan a suspect in his position as Director of Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya.

The DP Rp 0 home program is Anies Baswedan's campaign promise when he is running as a candidate for the Governor of DKI Jakarta. Anies' sweet promise was tarnished by his men because of allegations of corruption.

"Later it will be known after being tried at the Tipikor District Court," said Ahok.

Previously reported, the KPK confirmed that it was conducting an investigation into the alleged corruption case in the purchase of land for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's DP 0 Rupiah Program by DKI Jakarta BUMDs.

"It is true, after two sufficient preliminary evidences were found, the KPK is currently conducting investigations into alleged TPK related to land acquisition in Munjul, Pondok Rangon Village, Cipayung District, East Jakarta City, DKI Jakarta Province in 2019," said Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri.

Anies Baswedan heard this news since last Friday, March 5. Without waiting long, he deactivated Yoory Pinontoan from the position of President Director of Perumda Pembangunan Sarana Jaya.

"The governor at that time immediately made a decision to deactivate the person concerned. In this case, Yoory will follow the legal process by adhering to the presumption of innocence," said the Acting Head of BP BUMD for DKI Jakarta Province, Riyadi.