5 Facts About Self-Security Or Smelling Your Own Body

YOGYAKARTA Self-sniffing or slashing your own body seems to be a common behavior that is rarely realized. In addition to wanting to appear visually attractive when in a crowd, appearances based on body scents are also not expected to be embarrassing. The most common example of self-sniffing is when you sniff out the smell of your own armpits to make sure it doesn't smell disturbing. Or checking your mouth odor, so you remain confident when talking.

A study published in the scientific journal Physiology & Behavior focuses on psychology of sniffing out your own body. Launching Psychology Today, Sunday, May 19, a team of researchers from Charles University in Prague used online questionnaires to find out many facts about self-sniffing. A number of 209 participants filled out queries about themselves and questions about cleanliness and disgust. Through the study, facts about self-sniffing, the following.

According to the questionnaire, it shows that the hands are the part of the body that is most often sniffed. Then followed by armpits, hair, legs, and breath. How often do you sniff your hands after your activities or accidentally touching certain objects?

One of the things that is most often done to make sure it is feasible or not to wear clothes, is to sniff it out. When yesterday's clothes were worn but will be worn again, it will ensure how disturbing the body's aroma is that it sticks to clothes. In addition to t-shirts, the most often smelled before they were worn were trousers, socks, and underwear.

By using complicated statistical methods, researchers analyze participants' answers regarding self-sniffing. Researchers eventually identify the three main types of slashing their own bodies. First, self-sniffing is done so that it can be accepted socially, for example through clothes, the body, especially armpits, legs, and mouth odors. This first type, is done by someone to avoid negative reactions.

Second, self-sniffing in an intimate manner, namely breastfeeding parts of the body that are usually not detected by others due to social taboos, such as navels. Third, self-sniffing cosmetics, which include sniffing out body parts that are worn by cosmetics, such as hair and neck.

Scientists do not observe any gender differences in social acceptance of self-sniffing. On the other hand, men have a higher frequency than women sexically sniff themselves out. Meanwhile, women's frequencies are higher in cosmetic self-sniffing.

In addition to the body parts that are most often sniffed out, researchers also find people who often experience health problems more often self-sniffing. This is because they need to ensure social acceptance so that they check their body scents whether they change due to illness.

Those are the five facts about self-sniffing or kissing your own body. How often do you sniff out certain parts of the body to make sure they can be accepted socially, not disturbing, or a sign of the time to take a shower and use perfume and deodorant?