Police Explanation Regarding Unlawful Killing 4 FPI Laskar Raises To Investigation

JAKARTA - The National Police Headquarters (Mabes) said that the case of alleged unlawful killing of 4 laskar of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) with 3 members of Polda Metro Jaya has been reported to have been investigated. The increase in the status of this case is based on the results of the pekara title.

"The result of today's case title was raised to an investigation. With the suspicion against 3 members of the National Police," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono, to reporters, Wednesday, March 10.

In the pekara title, said Rusdi, it did not involve outsiders. However, several divisions participated so that the handling of this pekara remained in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOP).

"Internal alone is carried out by the Propam Division, Itwasum, the Legal Division and investigators," he said.

In that case title, the basis for increasing the status of the case refers to the existing evidence. Most of it is evidence from the results of the Komnas HAM investigation.

"The evidence is of course various, can be clues, can be information and other evidence. Of course there has been the handover of some evidence from the National Commission on Human Rights to investigators of Bareskrim. This is part of the completion of the process," he said.

Previously, the National Police confirmed that the case of unlawful killing in the handling of the attack on the 6 FPI troops had advanced to the investigation stage. There were three reported, namely members of Polda Metro Jaya.

"Our investigation has already been held first with the Prosecutor's Office because later prosecution will be carried out by them," said Head of Criminal Investigation of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto.

Meanwhile, 3 members of Polda Metro Jaya were reported in the case of unlawful killing. This determination was based on the Police Report (LP) model A after receiving a recommendation from Komnas HAM.

This report is the second in a series of cases of clashes between members of the police and the six militias of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

Where, the police were forced to shoot four members of the FPI laskar. But the shooting was allegedly considered an unlawful killing because the police did not make other efforts to avoid the loss of life.