Menpora: Aprilia Manganang Cannot Be Blamed For Her Status As A Man

JAKARTA - The Minister of Youth and Sports, Zainudin Amali, expressed his attitude regarding the status of a former female volleyball national team athlete, who is now known to be a male, as an action that cannot be blamed on medical grounds.

Based on the information provided by the Head of General TNI Andika Perkasa, it was found that Serda Aprilia Manganang had hypospadias or abnormalities in the genitals, so medical efforts were made to determine her final status.

"What has been conveyed by Kasad is of course information for all of us, I think it must also be treated as an accidental incident. No one wants to confess like this, after a detailed examination it is found out the sex of Aprilia is male," said the Menpora. Jakarta, Wednesday, reported by Antara.

In connection with what has happened before in the field of sports, the Menpora assessed that this was in accordance with her status when she was still female.

Even before joining the volleyball national team, Serda Aprilia had undergone a specific test before entering service in the Indonesian Army so that the results of examinations both in military service and in sports were in accordance with procedures and were valid.

"At that time, he realized that he was male and did not admit that it was an unfair act. But it is not. Even he did not even know that he was male. I don't think it was his fault, nor was it his fault. anyone, and in the last more detailed and thorough examination, these are the results, "said the Menpora.

The Menpora further explained, in connection with the announcement so far, both Kemenpora and PBVSI as the parent of the volleyball sport do not dispute this fact.

Based on information from the Menpora, PBVSI also only learned about the change in Aprilia's sex status after hearing the statement made by the Head of General TNI Andika Perkasa.

"The one who announced the first time was Kasad, based on an examination from the Army Hospital. Both we (Kemenpora), federations and sports also know this information from the results of the announcement," said Menpora Zainudin.

With the new status of Aprilia Manganang, it is necessary to coordinate with international federations. However, the Menpora emphasized that this was not in his authority and it was the duty of the National Olympic Committee (NOC).

"We will hand it over to the NOC, the government is too far away to go there. That's the job of the NOC, we'll see what the results will be," he said.