Guru Biadab Yang Sodomi 5 Pelajar Di Jayapura Ditangkap Polisi

Jayapura - Jayapura City Police Chief Kombes Victor Mackbon said MA (53) a barbaric teacher who sodomized five students in the Holtekamp area, Muara Tami District, was arrested.

"It is true that MA (male), who is a teacher, was arrested because he was reported to have forced five students who studied at the pesantren where the suspect taught," said Mackbon, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 17.

"Students who were forced to be between 12-14 years old and all of them were men," said Mackbon.

One of the victims reported the case to his parents. This case was later reported to the police.

The sexual abuse by the pesantren teacher has been carried out since April. The victim is suspected of being sodomized more than once.

"We hope that the victims will report the cases they experienced so that assistance can be provided by the witness and victim protection agency as well as the Jayapura City Government through the field of women's empowerment and child protection," said Grand Commissioner Mackbon.