Good News From Medan, Mayor Bobby Keruk Trenches Back To One Another To Prevent Floods

MEDAN - Floods in Medan City are still a problem. Various ways have been done. Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution already has a new strategy. The in-laws of President Jokowi are ready to dredge the Trench of Mutual.

Bobby said, it is hoped that the cleaning of the Trench Sulang Saling can be the answer to the handling of the flood problem. Although he admits that the ditch is not the only solution.

Bobby Nasution explained, there must be a grand design for flood management in Medan. So mapping and flood management efforts are carried out in accordance with the results of a comprehensive study.

Bobby has issued an order to the Public Works and Subdistrict Offices as well as the Sanitation and Landscaping Service to eradicate and clean the Mutual Trench. This activity will be carried out on Saturday, March 13 in six sub-districts which are crossed by a large trench; Medan Amplas, City, Denai, Area, Perjuangan, and East.

As reported by the Medan City Communication and Information Agency, this instruction was conveyed by Bobby when he chaired a meeting to discuss public complaints about flooding due to overflowing water in Parit Sulang.

Bobby said that the correcting and cleaning of the Sulang Saling Trenches had been budgeted for in the 2021 APBD. The mayor said that the correcting and cleaning had to be done completely. It must also be carefully thought out where to dump the garbage and its sedimentation and its transportation.