Heru Budi Threatens To Remove RT Management Receiving Illegal Parking Results Deposits At Minimarkets

JAKARTA - Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono admitted that he received a report about the existence of RT devices that received revenue payments from illegal parking attendants in minimarkets.

Heru will also investigate who the chairman and management of the RT will benefit from the illegal parking implementation.

"I received a report from the head of the transportation department like that. Later, through the mechanism there is Pak Aspem (Assistant Government), the mechanism is that Pak Lurah is called, the RT, or there is an RW-as well, so he is given a warning," said Heru in the Monas area, Friday, May 17.

If there are still RT devices that collect deposits in the midst of efforts to control illegal minimarket jukir, Heru threatens to remove them.

"Of course there are local regulations (regional regulations). We enforce local regulations, there are all regulations. RT also follows the rules in the regional regulation. If it is not disciplined, it can be replaced," explained Heru.

Joint officers from the DKI Provincial Government and the TNI-Polri have started controlling illegal jukir at minimarkets in Jakarta since Wednesday, May 15.

The results of the two days of the raid, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency (Dishub) recorded 127 illegal jukir netted control and had made a statement not to charge customers parking rates at minimarkets.

The raid on the illegal minimarket jukir refers to Regional Regulation Number 8 of 2007 concerning Public Order. In the regulation, there is a prohibition on every person or body to regulate parking without the permission of the appointed governor or official.

Efforts to control the illegal jukir minimarket, which will run for the next month, are still persuasive and humane.


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Separately, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, admitted that the joint team could not eradicate the illegal jukir completely only by traveling around.

Therefore, people who know that there are still illegal jukir in minimarkets can complain through the JAKI channel or Quick Community Response (CRM).

"We continue to carry out an inventory of incoming reports, both through Jaki and CRM of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, so that we follow up the following day," explained Syafrin.

"Once people experience it, usually it is valid, so the team can immediately go down, we can provide direct guidance to the illegal parking attendant," he continued.