Semarang-Surabaya 2021 Toll Rates And Toll Road Facilities For Users
JAKARTA - The toll road tariff adjustment for Semarang Surabaya Toll Road: Palimanan-Kanci (Palikanci), Semarang Toll Section A, B, C, as well as the Surabaya-Gempol (Surgem) Toll Road began to be enforced by PT Jasamarga Transjawa Tolloroad Regional Division starting from Last January 17, 2021.
Tariff adjustments for the following three toll road sections have been carried out through social facilities and the installation of a Variable Message Sign (VMS).
Regional Division Head Jasamarga Transjawa Tollroad (JTT) Reza Febriano mentioned this in a virtual press conference, Thursday (14/1/2021).
"In the past few days, we have conducted socialization by informing that in the near future tariff adjustments will be made in these three sections," explained Reza.
The adjustment of this rate is in accordance with the Ministerial Decree (Kepmen) of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) No.1403 / KPTS / M / 2020 concerning Tariff Adjustments on the Palimanan-Kanci Toll Road Section.
Then, Kepmen PUPR No.1228 / KPTS / M / 2020 concerning Tariff Adjustments on Semarang Toll Road Sections A, B, C, and Kepmen PUPR No.1117 / KPTS / M / 2020 concerning Tariff Adjustments on the Surabaya-Gempol Toll Road. .
The Palikanci Toll Road, said Reza, has experienced delays in the implementation of tariff adjustments since the Ministerial Decree was issued for 139 days.
Then, delays also occurred on the Semarang toll road sections A, B, C for 78 days, and the Surabaya-Gempol toll road for 205 days.
This toll road tariff adjustment was also followed by an increase in services in the field of transactions such as transaction capacity with the addition of an Oblique Approach Booth (OAB) or tilted substation, additional electronic top-up facilities, and the addition of a mobile reader unit at the Toll Gate (GT).
In the field of traffic services, efforts were made to add toll road facilities, installation of CCTV, building locations for Over Dimension Over Load (ODOL) vehicle action and installation of Weight in Motion (WIM), optimizing control room facilities, and installing GPS on traffic service vehicles.
Meanwhile, in terms of construction services, periodic repair and maintenance of toll roads have been carried out, pavement reconstruction to improve road quality, greening along toll roads, as well as painting markers and rejuvenating safety signs.
Semarang Surabaya Toll Tariff 20211. Palikanci toll road:
Goal I: IDR 12,000 to IDR 12,500
Gol II: IDR 15,000 to IDR 18,000
Gol III: IDR 21,000 to IDR 18,000
Gol IV: IDR 27,000 to IDR 30,000
Goal V: IDR 32,000 to IDR 30,000
2. Semarang Toll Road Sections A, B, C:
Goal I: IDR 5,000 to IDR 5,500
Gol II: IDR 7,500 to IDR 8,000
Gol III: IDR 7,500 to IDR 8,000
Goal IV: IDR 10,000 to IDR 10,500
Goal V: IDR 10,000 to IDR 10,500
3. Surabaya-Gempol Toll:
Open System (Dupak-Waru):
Goal I: IDR 3,500 to IDR 5,000
Gol II: IDR 4,500 to IDR 8,000
Gol III: IDR 6,000 to IDR 8,000
Goal IV: IDR 7,500 to IDR 10,500
Goal V: IDR 9,000 to IDR 10,500
Closed System (Waru-Porong):
Goal I: IDR 4,500 to IDR 9,000
Gol II: Rp. 6,000 to Rp. 14,000
Gol III: IDR 9,500 to IDR 14,000
Goal IV: IDR 12,000 to IDR 18,500
Goal V: IDR 14,000 to IDR 18,500
Open System (Japanan-Gempol):
Goal I: IDR 3,000, still IDR 3,000
Gol II: IDR 4,500 to IDR 5,000
Gol III: IDR 4,500 to IDR 5,000
Goal IV: IDR 6,000 to IDR 6,500
Goal V: IDR 6,000 to IDR 6,500
Semarang Surabaya Toll Fare FacilitiesSemarang ABC Then proceed to Semarang ABC Toll Road. The toll road that crosses Semarang City is built for 24.75 kilometers by PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. Along the toll road, there is one rest area that can be used by motorists, namely KM 54A. The facilities provided include toilets, gas stations, ATMs, mosques, places to eat, and parking lots.
The 72.6-kilometer Semarang-Solo Toll Road is equipped with several facilities including toilets, gas stations, ATMs, mosques, places to eat, and parking lots. Drivers who want to rest can take advantage of the rest area located at KM 429, KM 456B, KM 487A, KM 419B, KM 538A.
Then the Solo-Ngawi Toll Road. The 90-kilometer toll road is managed by PT Jasamarga Solo-Ngawi. The facilities provided include toilets, prayer rooms, places to eat, gas stations, and places to eat. Furthermore, these facilities are located in the rest area KM 456 + 600A, KM 467A, KM 482A, KM 519 + 250A, KM 538 + 400A, and KM 575A. Then there are several other resting places such as KM 456 + 600B, KM 519 + 250B, KM 538 + 400B, and KM 575B.
The Ngawi-Kertosono Toll Road is built along 87.02 kilometers and passes through several districts such as Ngawi, Jombang, Nganjuk, and Madiun. This road is managed by PT Jasamarga Ngawi Kertosono Kediri. Along the route, there are several facilities that can be utilized in several rest areas such as KM 597A, KM 597B, KM 626A, and KM 626B.
The Kertosono-Mojokerto Toll Road is managed by PT Marga Harjaya Infrastruktur (Astra Toll Road). The 40.5 kilometer road section is equipped with various facilities such as toilets, mosques, places to eat, gas stations, TM, and parking lots. The manager also provides several rest areas to be precise at KM 678A, KM 695A, KM 678B, and KM 695B.
The Mojokerto-Surabaya Toll Road is managed by PT Jasamarga Surabaya Mojokerto. The 36.17 kilometer toll road connects Mojokerto City with Surabaya City and crosses several districts such as Sidoarjo, Gresik, and Mojokerto.
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