Jakarta-Surabaya Toll Fares During Lebaran Homecoming, Prepare IDR 678 Thousand!

JAKARTA - The month of Ramadan will soon be entering, and Eid will be here soon. For those of you who want to go home, here is a breakdown of the Jakarta Surabaya toll rates which can be your reference.

At the beginning of 2021, PT Jasa Marga (Persero) has made policies and tariff adjustments for new toll roads. The tariff will be in effect since January 17, 2021 and will be enforced on the Trans Java Toll road.

Homecoming Using the Trans Java Toll Road

The Trans-Java Toll Road is a highway network that connects cities on the island of Java.

This toll road will certainly facilitate access for those of you who want to go home this year using private vehicles.

Apart from connecting Jakarta to Surabaya, the Trans-Java Toll Road also connects Merak Port in Banten Province to Ketapang Port at the end of East Java Province.

The length of the Trans-Java Toll Road stretches approximately 1,000 km and is included in the Asian Highway 2 (AH2) or the Asian Road Network.

It should be noted, AH2 Road is a highway in Asia Zone 2 which is part of the Asian toll road network which has a length of 13,177 km, which stretches from Denpasar to Khosravi City in Iran.

How Much is the Jakarta Surabaya Toll Fare?

Due to PT Jasa Marga making price adjustments, several toll rates from Jakarta-Semarang to Surabaya have increased.

Following this, the VOI Team has detailed the toll road rate table based on several toll gates that are traversed from Jakarta to Surabaya.


Toll Section





72 km

IDR 20,000



116.75 km




26.3 km



Kanci-Pejagan throughout

35 km




57.5 km




39.19 km

IDR 39,000


Batang-Semarang (SS Krapyak)

75.6 km

IDR 75,000


Semarang ABC (SS Krapyak-Banyumanik)

24 Km




72.64 km




90.43 km




117.4 km

IDR 88,000



34.8 km




36.27 km

IDR 36,000

Total Jakarta Surabaya toll rates =

IDR 678,000

Based on the table above, to get to Surabaya from Jakarta using the toll road you have to go through 13 toll roads and the fee you have to prepare is IDR 678 thousand.

However, you need to know that now payments at each gate on the Trans Java Toll Road already use electronic balances, so you cannot make payments using cash.

Electronic balances that are used to make payments at toll road gates are commonly referred to as E-Toll or Electronic Toll. In Indonesia there are several E-Toll services that you can use.

Some E-Toll Services in Indonesia 1. Brizzi BRI 2. Mandiri e-Money 3. BCA Flazz 4. Tap Cash BNI 5. Blink BTN

The five E-Toll services can be used to make payments on all toll roads managed by Jasa Marga or the Trans Java Toll Road. However, specifically for the Jabodetabek area, you can use a JakCard from Bank DKI.

How to Fill E-Toll Easily and Practically

Since 2017, the government through Jasa Marga has implemented E-Toll payments. This is intended so as not to create queues at toll payment counters.

For those of you who are new to using E-Toll, here are some ways to top up your balance.

1. Via ATM Machines and Internet Banking

Your E-Toll card can easily be topped up through an ATM machine or through the internet banking service that you are using.

The first step is to go to the ATM machine of the bank that provides E-Toll (Bank Mandiri, BRI, BNI, BTN, and BCA) then make sure that the ATM you visit has a detection device (which has an e-Money logo on the machine).

Next, you just need to enter the ATM debit card and enter the PIN. Then press the 'Electronic Money' menu and press the 'Top Up' menu.

Then enter the nominal amount you want to finally paste the E-Toll card on the spot for scanning.

To fill in using internet banking the steps are the same. But make sure the device you are using already has NFC which is used to detect the E-Toll card.

2. Fill in the E-Toll Balance in the Mini Market

There are several mini markets in Indonesia that serve E-Toll balances, some of which are Indomaret, Alfamart, Lawson, and others.

You just have to go to the cashiers of some of these mini markets and ask to fill in e-Money.

3. Purchase E-Toll Balance through the Market Place

Several market places in Indonesia such as Tokopedia provide practical virtual money replenishment services.

Tokopedia provides Mandiri e-Money filling. You can choose to recharge like buying a PLN electricity token or purchasing credit. Easy right?

In addition to information about Jakarta Surabaya toll rates, follow other domestic and foreign news only at VOI, Time to Revolutionize the News!