Election Bill Removed From Priority Prolegnas 2021, Will Pilkada 2022 And 2023 Impossible?

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the Indonesian Parliament have agreed to issue the Election Bill from the 2021 Priority Bill National Legislation Program (Prolegnas).

In the draft Election Bill that was previously drafted, the implementation of regional head elections (pilkada) is normalized in 2022 and 2024. With the elimination of the discussion of the Election Bill this year, the implementation of regional head elections is synchronized in 2024.

Then, does that mean that it is impossible to organize a normalized regional election? Member of the Board of Trustees of Perludem, Titi Anggraini, said that there is still a chance for the normalization of the elections to be carried out.

Because, in the amendments to the Prolegnas Bill 2020-2024, the DPR included a bill on the third amendment to Law Number 1 of 2015 concerning the stipulation of Perpu Number 1 of 2014 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors into Law. This is included in bill number 160.

Then, the DPR also included a bill on amendments to Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. This is included in bill number 129.

"Even though the discussion of the Election Bill which combines elections and regional elections was removed from the Pripritas National Police in 2021, the room for change is still opened by the long list of the 2020-2024 Prolegnas Bill. However, the changes will not be in 2021, but in 2022 and beyond," said Titi in the broadcast. Youtube Titi Anggraini, Tuesday, March 9.

Thus, there is room for changes to the Pilkada law in particular partially, even though the Election Bill is not being discussed.

"I suspect that this opportunity will still be tried. But because it is not a priority in 2021, it means that the discussion could be 2022 to 2024," said Titi.

However, if it is true that after 2021 the DPR will return to discussing the Election Bill, there will be losses. The bill will be discussed in a hurry, given the implementation of simultaneous elections held in 2024.

"This is of course very unfortunate if the choice becomes a hasty and time-constrained revision. There are many crucial technical issues that cannot only rely on KPU regulations, but also require regulation at the legal level," said Titi.

"So, will the Election Bill end? It is not certain. But there are also challenges to be discussed in a short time and repeat the old drama of the Election Bill which was passed in injury time," he continued.

Previously, Chairman of the DPR RI Baleg Supratman Andi Atgas said, with the abolition of the Election Bill, the DPR would replace it with a Bill on the Fifth Amendment to Law Number 6 of 1983 concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures proposed by the government.

"The election (RUU) came out, then the government proposed a new bill and it was also agreed upon by the factions because this is a bill on general tax provisions," said Supratman at the Parliament Complex.

Supratman said the reason for the government and the DPR to issue the Election Bill from the 2021 Priority Prolegnas was a necessity in a pandemic situation. He considered, the bill on taxation was more needed.

"Maybe because we need this in a pandemic situation, tax regulations are important, that's what the government thinks," he said.