5 Facts About Hypospadias, Congenital Abnormalities Often Experienced By Men

JAKARTA - Hypospadias is a congenital disorder in which the urethral mouth is located closer to the body than it should be.

Quoting from the Duta Wacana Medical Scientific Periodic Journal, Wednesday, March 10, this disorder occurs since the embryonic stage and is influenced by several factors. One of the factors that influence hypospadias is exposure to estrogen or anti-androgen substances during pregnancy.

The incidence rate is quite high in Indonesia

Hypospadias is most commonly seen in boys. Wednesday, March 10, Aprilia Manganang had hypospadias. In terminology, hypospadias comes from Greek, hypo means under and spandon means hole.

Hypospadias occurs when the urethral opening is located closer to or away from a part of the body from its intended location. Overall there is no definite report, but several hospitals in Indonesia have found several cases of hypospadias.

In European countries such as Finland, the number of hypospadias cases was found between 1970 and 1994 and in the United States there was a twofold increase.

From January 2009 to October 2010, 17 cases of hypospadias were reported at Prof. Dr. RD Kandau, Manado. At Sanglah Hospital Bali, 53 cases were reported from January 2009 to April 2012.

At M. Djamil Hospital, Padang recorded 44 cases of hypospadias during 2012 to 2014 and in Central Java there were 120 cases.

There is no definite cause for hypospadias

The exact cause has not been found until now, but experts suspect that the trigger is the exposure to estrogen or progestin in pregnant women in early pregnancy.

Experts have found that the environment with high estrogen activity exists in pesticides in vegetables, fruit, cow's milk, plants, and medicines. Based on further research, pregnant women who take anti-epilepsy drugs can increase the risk of the fetus experiencing hypospadias.

Other possible causes of hypospadias include heredity, low birth weight, twins, but no hypospadias was found in preterm babies.

Hypospadias classification

Hypospadias is divided into three classifications, namely anterior, middle, and posterior. In the anterior hypospadias classification there are three points, namely glanular, coronal, and distal penile. In the middle hypospadias there is a midshaft and proximal penile.

Hypospadias illustration (Source: Duta Wacana Medical Scientific Journal)

Meanwhile, the posterior hypospadias were at the penoscrotal, scrotal, and perineal points. The classifications most often experienced in Indonesia include proximal penile, penoscrotal, middle shaft, and penile.

Symptoms experienced

Because hypospadias is a congenital disorder, of course those who experience will experience some symptoms. Complaints that are experienced include weak urine output, pain when erection, and disturbances in sexual intercourse.

Ultrasound examination is needed for those who have hypospadias

Laboratory tests are not required, but are recommended for ultrasound of the kidneys, urinary tract and genital organs. In addition, medical experts will perform genetic tests to investigate the cause.