The Man Who Committed Suicide At Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya, Recently Divorced From His Wife

SURABAYA - Police have identified the man who died because he jumped from the second floor of the Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya shopping center.

"The identified victim came from Tulungagung, East Java", said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tegalsari Police in Surabaya, Iptu I Gede Made Sutanaya, to reporters in Surabaya, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 9.

The victim named Edy Karmidi, 61 years old, a resident of Jalan Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Kedungwaru District, Tulungagung Regency. The identity of the victim was revealed by scanning the retina of the eye using a mobile automatic multi-biometric identification system.

"The police have now contacted his family", said Iptu Made.

According to Iptu Made, information was obtained that the victim had just divorced his wife. The victim said goodbye to his family when he was going to Surabaya on a motorbike.

"He told the family, if anything happens, ask to be sent back to Nganjuk", said Iptu Made.

The police suspect that the victim Edy Karmidi committed suicide by jumping from the second floor (previously written from the 4th floor, red) Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya.

Based on CCTV camera footage, victim Edy Karmidi was seen climbing the guardrail, then fell backward.

When he fell on the ground floor of Tunjungan Plaza, his body hit a visitor named Ramadhan Ali Syahputra, a resident of Ngagel, Surabaya. The victim, who was hit by Edy Karmidi's body, was injured.