Ariana Grande To Zayn Malik Teken Petition For Biden Urges Ceasefire In Gaza

JAKARTA - Several international musicians have shown their concern for the humanitarian issues that occur in Gaza, Palestine. They signed a petition urging Joe Biden to persuade Israel to a ceasefire.

This petition is titled Artist's 4Ceasefire which was initiated by a group of artists, artists of related parties for the permanent realization of a ceasefire. In addition, the petition also demands the release of hostages and security guarantees for humanitarian aid amid the conflict.

Some of the names that have signed this petition include Ariana Grande, Jenna Ortega, Gigi Hadid to Zayn Malik. According to a BuzzPop report, there are also Dua Lipa, Drake, Macklemore, J-Lo, Kristen Stewart and Joe Alwyn who have signed it.

The petition letter and demands were submitted to the president of the United States, Joe Biden, who is said to have taken part in the genocide in Gaza. They hope that there will be no more blood that must be shed by the conflict.

"Dear President Biden, we gathered together as artists and advocates, but especially as fellow human beings who witnessed the loss of many lives, and endless horror in Israel and Palestine," the petition said.

"We ask the US president, and congress to defuse the conflict and the ceasefire in Gaza and Israel before any other life is taken. More than 30 thousand people have been killed in the last 5 years, and more than 69 thousand others have been injured. We believe every life is sacred, regardless of belief, ethnicity and we condemn the killings of Palestinians and Israeli civilians," the letter continued.