It Turns Out, Age Is Not The Only Reference For Menopause

JAKARTA - Menopause is a period when the hormones estrogen and progesterone in women decrease until they stop being produced. The effect is, the ovaries will slowly not produce eggs or become unable to get pregnant.

Based on a report from the Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research which was updated last year, the average Indonesian woman experiences menopause at the age of 46 to 54 years.

According to WHO, the average age is influenced by various factors, including geographic conditions, race, age at first menstruation, marital status, balance, oral contraceptives, smoking habits, temperature and altitude, as well as socio-economic factors.

Well, what turns out to affect menopause is not only age. Reporting from the Endocrine Web, Tuesday, March 9, explained that there are other factors that influence menopause.

The fact is certain according to endocrinology, every woman experiences menopause. But not every woman reaches menopause the same way. Menopause does occur naturally, but there are also other factors.

By your late 30s, your ovaries will release less estrogen and progesterone. At this age the chances of getting pregnant will decrease because the ovaries produce fewer eggs. Gradually, the eggs will stop producing. This can be recognized by stopping menstruation.

Factors that affect menopause can be caused by medical procedures or treatments. First is the induction process which can affect so that menopause can be experienced at any age.

The second factor besides age is surgical procedures and cancer treatments. For a surgical procedure that involves removing both ovaries, automatically leading to menopause. Meanwhile, a hysterecomy or the removal of one of the uterus alone will not immediately cause menopause.

What is different, women who undergo the procedure of uterine surgery will not experience perimenopause. Symptoms will persist, such as hot flashes and mood swings.

The third factor, cancer treatment in the form of chemotherapy and pelvic radiation therapy can significantly affect healthy ovarian function.

The fourth factor, the occurrence of premature menopause can be experienced at the age of 40 years. Based on reports, there are about 1 percent of women experiencing this. The reason is that the ovaries cannot produce enough hormones.

In cases of primary ovarian insufficiency (POI), doctors cannot determine the exact cause. According to experts, it can be caused by autoimmune diseases, infections, and genetic factors.

Apart from the above factors, you need to ensure the health of the reproductive system. Enrich knowledge, recognize how to care for and keep it healthy. If possible, check regularly so that nothing unexpected happens.