Total Collected Rp. 810 Million From The East Java PPKM Prokes Fines, 37 Thousand KTPs Were Confiscated
SURABAYA - The amount of fines resulting from the operation of health protocol control (Prokes) COVID-19 during the Enactment of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) in East Java, reached IDR 810 million.
This administrative fine was paid by 16,647 prokes customers during PPKM Mikro from 23 February to 8 March in 38 districts / cities in East Java.
"The number of offenders caught by the yustisi operation in East Java is very large, reaching 6.4 million people," said Head of Public Relations of the East Java Regional Police, Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko, in Surabaya, Tuesday, March 9.
Gatot explained, 6.4 million people who were caught by the Justisi operation received verbal, written warnings and fines. In details, 4.6 million violators received verbal warnings, 679 thousand people received written warnings, and 16,647 were required to pay fines.
Meanwhile, the highest number of prokes violations were found in restaurants, as many as 153,419 offenders. Then as many as 116,385 violators in places of worship, 66,044 violators in malls, 56,769 violators in the market. 23,618 violators were recorded at the terminal and 18,543 violators at tourist attractions.
"Prokes offenders on average do not apply the prokes properly and correctly during the raid, such as not wearing masks properly," said Gatot.
Apart from paying the fines, said Gatot, there were 37,288 identity cards (KTP) of the offenders confiscated by the officers. Because of that, Gatot reminded the public to be more obedient to the Micro PPKM which was extended from 9-23 March.
"Let us all obey the prokes. Apart from taking care of ourselves, also for families and people around from COVID-19," said Gatot.