YouTube Machine Learning Takes Over Human Moderation Tasks During The COVID-19 Outbreak

JAKARTA - Nearly more than 100,000 Google employees worldwide, including YouTube, have been encouraged to work from home because of the COVID-19 outbreak. YouTube will rely more on machine learning to moderate content on its platform.

Quoted from Engadget, this YouTube algorithm will re-detect every video content uploaded by the content creator, before finally being published. This minimizes human interference in moderating video content uploaded to YouTube.

"We realize this will disturb users and creators, but we feel this is a decision that must be taken so that workers on YouTube remain safe, including the surrounding community," wrote YouTube in its official statement.

YouTube also admits that this step will reduce the number of videos uploaded automatically, including some that may not violate the rules. This is because Google's service works autonomously based on the YouTube algorithm based on artificial intelligence (AI), without human intervention.

The policies of the platform with the red logo will last for the next week or even a month. This also makes the video trending page on YouTube to be slightly delayed.

In addition, YouTube will also demonetize all videos that discuss the corona virus. This step was taken to reduce netizens' concerns about misinformation related to the corona virus outbreak.

Even so, YouTube's algorithm is not completely perfect at deterring video content. If you remember YouTube has been conceded for allowing access to streaming acts of terror against mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Previously reported, Google is one of the many technology companies in the world that is taking COVID-19 prevention steps for its employees. Google has even been forced to close a number of representative offices and instruct its employees to work from home or work from home.