Synopsis Of The Film 'Do You See What I See,' The First Love Story Between The Two Worlds

JAKARTA - The production house MD Pictures has re-released their latest horror film by cooperating with big Indonesian stars such as Shennina Cinnamon, Diandra Agatha, Monday Alyssa to Accompany Abraham.Coming to air on May 18, the film Do You See What I See is an adaptation film of a podcast content curated by Mizter Popo from the 64th episode entitled First Love.Broadly speaking, the film Do You See What I See, Horror Story Episode 64: First Love tells the story of a student named Mawar, where she lives with four other friends in a boarding house near her campus.Left behind by his parents, Mawar finally expressed her hopes on her birthday to be given a male figure who could accompany her.It didn't take long for Mawar's wish to finally materialize with the presence of a man named Restu. She often told one of her best friends, Vey, about Mawar's happiness in the presence of Restu.However, Vey felt that there was something odd about the figure of Restu because this male figure only came at 23.30 WIB and in every presence there was always a strange incident in their boarding house.
On his suspicions of Restu finally made Vey and his other friends have to face all terror in order to save Mawar from her two-world love story.