Riau BKSDA Installs A Trapped Camera After Workers Died By Tigers
JAKARTA - The Riau Province Conservation and Natural Resources Center (BBKSDA) installed camera traps at a number of locations where a worker was killed by a Sumatran tiger in Tanjung Simpang Village, Pelangiran District, Indragiri Hilir Regency.
The head of the Riau BBKSDA, Genman Hasibuan, said that his party had done several things in the negative interaction incident. His party together with PT SPA, a company whose workers were killed, had checked the field to carry out identification.
"We installed camera traps and carried out further mitigation efforts as well as efforts to socialize and educate workers in the field," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, May 11.
BBKSDA Riau, he continued, has also given directions and appeals to the company to strictly implement standard operating procedures for mitigating negative interactions of tigers
For information, the location of the incident is in the habitat of timasumatra with a fairly large population. "However, legally, the location can indeed be planted by concession owners," he said.
Previously, a resident of Pelalawan Regency, Rahmat (26), was reported to have died after being attacked by a Sumatran tiger while working in PT SPA Block L on Thursday (9/5). Rahmat is known to be an employee at PT SPA who was found dead while working with two of his colleagues, Rahmad and Awi.
The incident began when Rahmat and Rahmad and Awi were spraying weeds on the PT SPA Pelalawan plantation that entered the Pelangiran area. While working busy, Rahmad and Alwi heard the sound of screaming for help which was allegedly Rahmat's voice.
Rahmad and Alwi tried to find victims, but they were not found, but traces of Sumatran tigers were seen. Then they reported the incident to the PT SPA office, then the company employees jointly searched for the victim.
The victim was found in plot 466 Block L dead. On the victim's body there were bite marks on the neck and ears with the condition of the hand no longer intact.