While Crying, The Founder Of The Democratic Party Expresses Regret For Supporting SBY

JAKARTA - One of the founders of the Democrat Party and the initiator of the Deli Serdang Extraordinary Congress (KLB), Darmizal suddenly burst into tears during a press conference in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, March 9.

Darmizal's grief broke because he regretted having gathered the DPD and DPC (Regional Representative Council) heads to elect Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to become the general chairman at the Congress in Surabaya in 2015. He feels that he is not appreciated for supporting the former fourth president of the Republic of Indonesia.

"I am very sorry that I ever became an actor in a team that rushed to go to the DPD heads, gather the DPC heads so that they are determined to build chemistry so that SBY was chosen at the 2015 congress", said Damrizal while shedding tears.

Darmizal then apologized to all the cadres who chose SBY at that time. He did not think the Democrat Party would become a dictatorial party.

"Today I apologize to the entire DPC all DPD Democrats, I'm sorry, I didn't know that this dictatorial regime would be born," he said.

Darmizal also regretted that he could not prevent the Democratic Party's DPP transactional action requesting several deposits from the DPD leaders to the DPC.

"Really, I didn't know there would be a PO (Organizational Regulation) that would burden you to deposit every month. Shame on me, I'm ashamed", he said while holding back tears.