The 2024 Rally Championship Round 1 Will Be Held Again In Rambung Sialang, North Sumatra

JAKARTA - The National Rally Round 1 Championship will be held again in Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatra or precisely at the Rambung Sialang Estate plantation owned by PT PP London Sumatra Indonesia ( Lonsum) which is 60 km from Medan on June 8-9, 2024.

Quoted from the Media Center of North Sumatra Rally 2024, Friday, the Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) of the North Sumatra Provincial Government as the organizer, is currently making improvements and field preparations to facilitate the struggle of the Pereli on Saturday, June 8, 2024 (Leg-1) and Sunday, June 9, 2024 (Leg-2).

This needs to be considered based on predictions of the upcoming weather and with the condition of the oil palm plantation road with a hard surface when dry and tends to be very slippery when wet.

Registration for participants is open starting Monday, May 13, 2024. Ceremonial Start will be held on Friday (7/6) in Serdang Bedagai District Square and is predicted to be crowded with visitors from various circles.

The area located in the oil palm plantation area was also in 1996-1997 as one of the World Rally Championship (WRC) trajectories. The last convex Sialang hosted when the Asia Pacific Rally Championship (APRC) was held in North Sumatra in July 2019.

North Sumatra in 2024 was asked twice to host a long rally, namely the National Rally Round 1 and APRC Asia Cup National Championships for the fourth round which will be held on August 2-4.