Amank Syamsu Expects Indonesian Music To Be Given More Space For Expression

JAKARTA - National Music Day is commemorated every March 9. This commemoration is stipulated in Presidential Decree (Keppres) Number 10 of 2013.

National Music Day also coincides with the birthday of Wage Rudolf Soepratman, composer of the song Indonesia Raya, our national anthem.

The ceremonial side of this year's National Music Day commemoration cannot be done optimally. Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic is still confining and limiting the space for movement.

However, that does not mean that prayers and hopes cannot be said. As did Amank Syamsu, vocalist of the magnetic metal band, OMNI.

"Happy National Music Day. Hopefully Indonesian music can continue to be the strength of the creative industry in this country and be given a wider space for expression," hoped Amank Syamsu in a short message to VOI.

"Lestari continues to be Indonesian music. Be a sign of the times," continued the man who also plays a role as the backing vocal of Dewa 19.

The establishment of the National Music Day eight years ago is an effort to increase the public's appreciation of music as well as to increase the achievement and self-confidence of Indonesian musicians.

Hopefully Amank Syamsu's prayer will be answered.