The ITE Law Review Team Asks For More Input, Now From Anita Wahid To Deddy Corbuzier

JAKARTA - The Research Team for the Law on Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE) will ask for input regarding the discourse on the revision of the law which is said to have the rubber article snares.

The head of the ITE Law Study Team, Sugeng Purnomo, said that his party would invite and ask for input from social media activists and practitioners.

Those invited included Damar Juniarto, Executive Director of the Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network (SAFEnet), Anita Wahid Presidium of the Indonesian Anti-Defamation Society (Mafindo), Erasmus Napitupulu, Executive Director of the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR).

Then Wahyudi Djafar, a researcher at the Institute for Studies and Community Advocacy (ELSAM) and Ismail Hasani, the Executive Director of the Setara Institute. In addition, Sugeng said that the team also invited a number of social media activists such as Deddy Corbuzier to Ferdinand Hutahean.

"There will be two meeting sessions that we will hold," Sugeng said as quoted from his written statement, Tuesday, March 9.

The total number of resource persons who have confirmed their presence is 16 people, with details of seven people conveying their willingness to attend the first session.

"Then the second session started at half past two there were about six people," he explained.

The Review Team for the ITE Law has also held meetings with reported parties and reporters on the ITE Law. Various inputs were received, including the importance of educating digital space users.

"First, I want to illustrate that the digital space must be maintained in order to remain ethically healthy and productive while still being fair," Sugeng explained.

Furthermore, he admitted that education was needed for digital space users. Not only that, Sugeng also mentioned about the space for journalists to move around with ITE.

"With regard to the journalist profession, it is hoped that if there are matters related to the writings of fellow journalists, then the press law should be applied and not the ITE law," he said.

Sugeng said that until now his team was still working and digging up various information to enrich the input received regarding the revision of the ITE Law.

"The team will continue to work to dig up various information from all sources that we have included in the disk, which is quite a lot," he said.

"Hopefully, after these parties are asked for our information it will become clearer, actually the ITE law review team, especially the task of the sub-two, needs to be revised or not," he added.

It is known, in accordance with the decision of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Number 22 of 2021, which was issued in February, the ITE Law Study Team will work for two months. This team is planned to submit all reports on 22 May.