South Sulawesi Governor Nurdin Abdullah Denies Alleged Corruption To Pay Campaign Debt

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is again examining the inactive Governor of South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Nurdin Abdullah. After being questioned, Nurdin denied accepting bribes and gratuities to pay off campaign debts.

"No, not (doing corruption to pay off campaign debts)," said Nurdin at the Red and White KPK building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Tuesday, March 9.

Meanwhile, when he was being questioned regarding the billions of rupiah in dollars and rupiah, Nurdin did not want to talk much. Nurdin Abdullah submitted the publication of his case to the KPK.

"Later the investigator will explain," he explained.

Meanwhile, regarding today's investigation, Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Affairs Ali Fikri said that besides Nurdin, investigators were also examining two other suspects, namely Edy Rahmat, who is the Secretary of the Public Works Office of South Sulawesi and a contractor named Agung Sucipto. In this examination, investigators are still limited to making initial confirmation of the three.

"So it has not been included in the examination material," said Ali in his statement to reporters.

Later, investigators will again schedule examinations of each suspect if they are accompanied by a team of attorneys. "We will inform you of the progress further," he said.

The KPK is still exploring the motives behind receiving bribes and gratuities by Nurdin. He is suspected of receiving money from other parties to return campaign capital

"The task of investigators is to study the money for anything. For example, to run away because the campaign costs are very large, he can get sponsorships from local businessmen," said KPK Deputy Chairman Alexander Marwata at the KPK's Red and White House, South Jakarta, some time ago.

According to him, the possibility of Nurdin accepting bribes to return campaign capital is very strong. Because, Alex assessed, most regional heads are indebted to sponsors in seeking campaign capital.

Previously reported, Nurdin Abdullah was named a suspect in the case of alleged bribery and gratification related to the procurement of goods and services, licensing and infrastructure development in the South Sulawesi Provincial Government for the 2020-2021 Budget Year.

This PDIP politician was named a suspect with the Secretary of the PUPR Office of South Sulawesi Province, Edy Rahmat. Meanwhile, the Director of PT Agung Perdana Bulukumba (APB) Agung Sucipto was named a suspect in giving bribes.

In this case, Nurdin allegedly received bribes and gratuities with a total value of Rp. 5.4 billion related to projects within the South Sulawesi Provincial Government. Rp2 billion was given from Agung through Edy. The bribe was given so that Agung could return to work on the project in South Sulawesi for the 2021 budget year.

For their actions, Nurdin and Edy were charged with Article 12 letters a or b or Article 11 and Article 12B of Law (UU) Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption (Tipikor) as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1 ) 1st KUHP.

Meanwhile, Agung is imposed with Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a or b or Article 13 of Law Number 31 Year 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 Year 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.