Causes Of Senja Wednesday That Often Happen To Most People

YOGYAKARTA - Sunset Wednesday or nictalopia is a condition where the eyes cannot adjust to low light, such as at night. However, dusk is not a condition, but a result of existing eye disorders. Let's discuss the cause of dusk!

Even though it's dusk, it affects a person's ability to see in dim light, this situation does not cause total blindness. It's just that it will be annoying when the patient travels at night.

The main trigger for dusk is damage to retinal stem cells. retinal stem cells are eye nerve cells that work if the lighting is lacking so that it allows a person to clearly see objects.

Damage to retinal stem cells can be caused by various circumstances or diseases, such as:

Symptoms Of Senja Wednesday

Sunset Wednesday is a symptom of the underlying condition of the eye that causes visual impairment when it is in a dim brightening. For example, a dusk pocket can prevent a person from seeing a star at night, or obstacles in a dark room.

Other symptoms can also occur at the same time as a dusk rabung. However, the nature of these symptoms will depend on the underlying trigger, which is in the form of:

Sunset Wednesday cannot always be prevented, especially those caused by genetic aspects. However, there are several methods that can be tried to suppress the severity of the condition. Some of these methods are:

Untuk mencegahkan sayap akibat kekurangan vitamin A, berikut merupakan beberapa makanan sumber vitamin A yang bisa Kalian konsumsi:

If you have a family with a history of genetic eye disease, such as kematoronus or retinitis of pigmentosa, undergo regular consultations with doctors to avoid the occurrence of dusk.

In addition, you also need to be aware of 5 Common Causes of Escaped Eye Views Accompanied by a Dizziness Head.

So after knowing the cause of the dusk ceremony, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!