Gymnastics Sport Still Lacks Facilities In Indonesia

JAKARTA The gymnastics sport (sports) still does not have adequate facilities in the midst of Indonesia's preparation to host the 53rd edition of the World Gymnastics Championship in 2025.

Indonesia's certainty to host 53rd Artistic Gymnastics World Championship 2025 was conveyed by the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) via email on Friday, May 3, 2024.

Chairman of the Indonesian Gymnastics Association (Persani), Ita Yuliati, admitted that currently the facilities for the sport he leads are far from adequate for the preparation of prestigious events.

"So, we really hope that with this event, our readiness will be more mature. Later, hopefully after this event we will get better facilities," he said.

Gymnastics at this time are not a popular sport in Indonesia. In fact, gymnastics is one of the mainstay sports on international stages, such as the Olympics.

At the 2024 Paris Olympics, Indonesia even had representatives from gymnastics sports, namely Rifda Irfanaluthfi. The 24-year-old athlete escaped through the relocation route from the host.

Ita said that the existence of supporting facilities would automatically provide opportunities for other Indonesian athletes to be better at training.

"In Indonesia, I am very sad because all provinces train in very inappropriate places. This is one of them. So, before the 2025 World Championships (Sixths) there will be a Road to World Championship to introduce gameastics," he said.

The 2025 Gymnastics World Championship will be attended by approximately 500 athletes from the 70s of the country. This is the first time Indonesia has been appointed to host the most grand gymnastics event.

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Dito Ariotedjo, hopes that this big event can promote Indonesia as well as encourage the development of gymnastics in the country.

"I also believe that enthusiasm will definitely increase. We hope that with this event, 70 participating countries will participate, so Indonesia can promote Jakarta and its sports facilities," he said.